Monday, July 12, 2010


Sooo, my friend Lisa is so awesome. She posts on her blog every other day or every day. I love reading what she has to say, then I scrolled down to look at my blog. It's been 8 months!!!! I am embarressed, so here is from October on... in a flash.

Christmas time with cousins. Talia, Anthony, Carmine and Santa! Santa made a special visit to our house!

Anthony lost two front tooth a little too late to sing the Christmas song!!!

Black Eyed Peas concert!

Meets, meets and more meets...then Nationals!


Soccer,cheer camps, summer break and we're caught up! least now I have filled out something. Maybe I'll blog again tomorrow, maybe I'll show some photos of the 4th of July (it wasn't that long ago), maybe in another 8 MONTHS. Till I know...TOODLES :)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

ISU vs. Nebraska

Pete and I had heard about the CRAZY Nebraska fans and their amazing stadium, so when we found that ISU played Nebraska at Nebraska we could not pass it up. For months we planned on going to visit the cousin's in Omaha and go to the game.

Pete and I were very excited to have a weekend together (kid free). On Friday, we started off our little rendezvous with a great surprise of being upgraded to a suite. Then off to dinner with the cousins and their kids. We knew Saturday morning was going to be a early, cold start so back to our great suite for some alone time :)

Saturday was the big game, it was cold but I'm a baby. I took my hand warmers and about 3 coats with under armour underneath and we were on our way. The whole way up, all I heard was how Nebraska is going to win and ISU should just tuck their tail and go home. Secretly, I was hoping ISU would pull through just so I could say in your face.
When we got there, we found it was true the stadium was amazing! Everyone was given a red balloon after the first touch down the fans let the balloons go, it was neat. The fans were super nice and joked about our ISU sweatshirts. UNTIL, the game took a turn around. ISU did win, in fact Nebraska had 8 turn overs. In Nebraska's defense, with that many turn overs ISU should have had a higher score...BUT ISU WON!!! I thought this would be the greatest victory ever!!!

I.was.wrong! I have never felt sooo bad for Pete's cousins, the look of disappointment on their faces. Even though I am not a big football fan, I didn't know it would be that big of a deal. It was like they played the game themselves and lost. :(

So what did we do? Well, Pete and I celebrated the victory and his cousins drank away the loss.
I'm sure you can see, it was a crazy night!

Better luck next year Nebraska!
Thanks Justin, Tracy, Alex and Sarah for such a great weekend!!! Let's do it again soon!!!!

Friday, October 23, 2009


Spelling name in blocks, creative!
Refusing to let me cut the pear and so trying to eat
a pear toothless?!? GOOFY!

Here are a few pictures of Anthony (Tony). He can be a little goofy sometimes, however he is very creative!!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Taylor's Homecoming Dance

Okay so I admit, sometimes Pete and I may get on my teens nerves.

But seriously, she looked so cute for her Homecoming dance and I knew she would freak if I showed up to take pictures at the ACTUAL dance so I may or may not have done a little pre-pictures at dinner. Hey, she and her friends got dinner paid for so what's the big deal, right? I would have let someone take pictures of me for free food!!! She was a total sport about the whole thing, really :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Miley or Taylor

I have been crazy busy over the last few weeks, so I am catching up on posts today. I will date them accordingly, but you can finally read them now!

Let's start with the Miley Cyrus' Concert vs. Taylor's Lincoln homecoming. Tough choice, both teenagers are pretty amazing. Miley is famous, but we have lots more love for Taylor!!! Look how amazing these two girls are...

Pictures from Taylor's Powder Puff game.

Taylor even made one of the catches, don't ask me what it was about (football is not my thing)!

The Miley Concert was pretty fun too, here are some pics:

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Arie got a little mad at me at the concert because I was rockin' out a little too hard to "Party in the USA". LOVE-THAT-SONG!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How to get my dollar?

QUESTION: What is one of the dumbest creations out there making millions of dollars?

ANSWER: The "Snuggie".

If you are not familiar with a "Snuggie" let me explain. Basically, put a robe on backwards and you have a "Snuggie". As Anthony says "it's the blanket with sleeves and your hands are free". Don't get me wrong, a blanket is never a bad idea except we only have a trillion of them at home. I love blankets but really a yard of cheap fleece fabric is not my thought of a really great blanket.

Yet, somehow I was convinced to turn my precious earned almighty 14.99 + tax over for the amazing "Snuggie". Hey they started out on TV as 19.99 + tax and shipping and handling. This was a steal getting it from Walgreens, not only 5 dollars cheaper but no shipping and handling. Whoo hoo! All it took Ariana giving one giant please and a look of I have had a really rough several days being sick and this would feel really great to cuddle in when I get home from the SECOND doctors appointment. OH and don't forget, this is not just any "Snuggie"'s a "Snuggie" for KIDS :) that came with matching slipper socks.

I just hope when Anthony sees it, I can convince him he does not need one and it is fair because he got a lovely "Topsy turvey" this summer. Ya know, "Topsy turvey" the upside down tomato plant? Yea, we have one of those too!

Monday, October 5, 2009

My poor baby!!!

I can not believe it, Ariana is still sick!

Friday she stayed over the night at a friends house with the intentions of going to a volleyball camp on Saturday. Saturday morning she called me to say she wanted to come home. When I picked her up I thought maybe she was tired and had a late night with her friends because she immediately came in and laid on the couch. She slept from about 10am to 1:30 when I woke her because I had to go to a coaches meeting, she felt so bad she stayed in the car. We got home her temp was 102.7!!! I sent her right back to bed.
Sunday, Pete's birthday was about the same for Ariana. We were supposed to have a fun filled day with Anthony's soccer game, then Arie's soccer game, then dinner at Pete's dads. She missed her game and had to hang back with me because she couldn't think about moving. She just laid on the couch all day going in and out of sleep.

Today, I finally took her to the doctor and ugh was that ever a trip. We couldn't get into her regular pediatrician because EVERYONE is sick today, so I took her to a clinic that will remain nameless. It started the CMA tried to swab Ariana's throat but missed and got her tongue. (Did I mention, Ariana would rather have an IV, needle pokes, or even her hair pulled out in large clumps before having her throat swabbed). When the physician came in there was no surprise to the negative strep screen and we explained why. The physician then said Arie looked more like she had mono; due to swollen glands, sore throat, abdomen tenderness, and "grey" look. She said she would collect a blood test that would tell us if it is mono, bacterial, the flu or just viral. Again the incompetent CMA came in and tried to take blood from Arie's arm. She searched and searched for a vein, randomly stuck her and then moved the needle around in her arm over and over again for about a minute without a drip of blood. She then pulled the needle out and TRIED AGAIN WITH THE SAME NEEDLE, anyone who knows anything would know there is no vacuum after the first attempt. She then gave up and saying maybe the lab will have a different test that can be ran. Too soon for me, she returns to do a finger stick to take a mono spot test.... which was negative, thank you! However, Ariana's hand was covered in blood for three measly drops of blood. The physician returns to ask for another strep culture or blood draw because she wasn't convinced with the way Arie looked that it wasn't strep. Arie looked at me with giant tears in her eyes and said "No more". So we left!!! Let me tell you, I am really, really torqued off!!!